The Egyptian Theatre

The Egyptian Theatre

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135 North Second Street
DeKalb, IL 60115
Phone: (815) 758-1225
Box Office Hours
Tuesday 3:00-6:00 PM
Wednesday 3:00-6:00 PM
Thursday 3:00-6:00 PM
One hour prior to events
30 min prior to movies
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Shadows of the 60s: A Celebration of the Stars of Motown

Shadows of the 60s: A Celebration of the Stars of Motown
Shadows of the 60s: A Celebration of the Stars of Motown pays tribute to the tremendous legacy to the Motown greats. In this highly interactive and visually stunning production, Shadows of the 60s perform the hits that span several decades. Featuring top industry musicians and singers dressed in exquisitely designed costumes and dazzling choreography, Shadows of the 60s presents the music of Motown with the intensity of the original recorded performances. Each singer and musician were chosen because they embody the spirit, style and excitement of the original artists in concert. Close your eyes and you will hear the magic of Motown, open them and you will see and feel the raw “front row” experience of attending a live Motown concert, circa 1964. The evening is capped off with a jaw dropping grand finale featuring the music of Motown’s Smokey Robinson, Marvin Gaye, The Marvelettes, Junior Walker & The Allstars, Stevie Wonder, Gladys Knight & The Pips, The Contours and more! Shadows Of The 60s is truly a concert for everyone!
$39 / $49 / $59
Pricing based on how close to the stage you are, see map on next page

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